This is the final quarter report of 2022. September- December of 2022 was eventful for C4 Center. We were hands down on the ground during the election campaigns and release a card game too!

Our social media saw a spike in followers and engagements. On top of that, a few C4 Center team members also did a couple of TV and Radio interviews deliberating on various issues. The team continues to grow as we welcomed another new member to join our team.

Overall, the last quarter of 2022 went favourably for C4 Center. More to come in 2023. Here we present you complete insights into all our works across this quarter. If you like our work then do support us by liking, sharing and making a contribution to our work. Thank you.

Read the full report here:




All publications by C4 Center are downloadable for free. Much resources and funds have been put into ensuring that we conduct cutting edge research work for these issues to be brought to the attention of the general public, authorities, as well as public policymakers and lawmakers. If you like our work, please do consider supporting us by donating to us. Your financial support will go a long way in ensuring that we can continue fighting for a clean, and better, Malaysia.