Pledge for Public Asset Declaration Framework

In 2017, C4 Center collaborated with the Malaysian Bar to produce a document that can serve as the framework for a robust and comprehensive public asset declaration for politicians to deter corruption and misuse of public office. In 2018, this document was put together as a pledge for political parties to introduce a public asset declaration framework (“PADF”) within the existing legal framework that can be immediately adopted before the upcoming general election. With endorsement from the GIAT Coalition (Governance Integrity Accountability and Transparency), we asked political parties to commit to this, and enacting such a law when they come into power. When Pakatan Harapan came into government, they promised that “All members of the Dewan Rakyat, Dewan Negara, and government officials with JUSA C ranking and above, will be obliged to make a declaration of assets and income” (page 41). Whether this will be publicly available remains to be seen. 

The PADF asks and contains the following: 

  • Spouses must also declare their assets and income;
  • State EXCO members also must declare their assets and income;
  • For politicians to declare their assets annually;
  • A formalised sample declaration form with comprehensive categories covering movable and immovable assets, business interests and gifts, and;
  • Making declarations available both through digital and physical copies. 

Download the GIAT Asset Declaration Pledge here (0.8mb, 25 pages)




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