How to Report Corruption

You may report corruption via the following methods:

1. MACCMobile app

  • MACCMobile app is an alternative platform which has been developed to enable members of the society to channel complaints related to corruption and abuse of power to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

2. “Speak Up” hotline from Transparency International Malaysia – 1-800-220-122

3. Portal Administrator Complaint from SPRM

4. Whistleblower Protection will be given by SPRM according to the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010

  • The identity of the informant and the information provided will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anybody, even during a court trial. (Section 7(1)(a) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
  • Whistleblowers should not be liable to any civil action, criminal or disciplinary consequences of such disclosure. (Section 7(1)(b) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
  • Whistleblowers will be protected from any act considered to be prejudicial due to the outcome of reaction upon disclosures being made. (Section 7(1)(c) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
  • Protection is also given to those who have connection / relationship with the informant.

Witness Protection from SPRM