C4 Center launches “Build My-Town”, the new card game for the reform-curious Malaysian.
It is our hope that in playing Build My-Town, players will develop a curiosity for the many reforms needed to improve Malaysia that many groups and individuals have called for. We hope that players who learn more about Reforms not only make the best choice during the upcoming General Election in casting their vote for whichever parties/coalitions can deliver important reforms but also continue speaking up in support of reforms to whichever administration emerges victorious from the elections. In playing the role of MPs, players will be able to develop an understanding of the important role MPs have in passing reforms in Parliament, and hopefully, carry that knowledge in speaking to their MPs to push for accountable governance
As Malaysians, let’s empower ourselves, and build a better Malaysia.
What Is Build My-Town?

C4 Center’s latest release, “Build My-Town” is also a way to learn about good governance and anti-corruption in an entertaining way.
In Build My-Town, every player acts as a Member of Parliament (MP) in charge of a constituency. The goal of each player is to improve your constituency by building developments on it, ranging from small amenities. Besides the primary purpose of building developments, another main mechanic of the game is in its Reform Cards. Players can choose to table Reforms, much like real-life Parliamentary voting, and these Reforms have significant impacts on gameplay.
In playing the role of MPs, players will be able to develop an understanding of the important role MPs have in passing reforms in Parliament, and hopefully, carry that knowledge in speaking to their MPs to push for reforms as well.
Where to Buy?

Build MY-Town is currently in-store and available at Books Kinokuniya Malaysia, Ilham Gallery and Pop Arcade @ Jaya 1. Each is priced at RM30 (excluding postage).
You can also make the payment directly to the C4 Center bank account, details are below.
Name On Account: C Four Consultancies Sdn Bhd
Bank: Public Bank Berhad
Account Number: 3187298623
Or you can buy from our online store: https://buildmytown.yezza.store/
You are welcome to order more than one copy or order it as a gift for your friends.
How to Play?
How can I get a deck for myself?
You can pre-order the card decks through the link here -> https://buildmytown.yezza.store/
Are there additional overseas shipping charges?
Unfortunately, yes. We will have to bill you separately for shipping charges.
What is the youngest player’s age for the game?
We recommend that Build My-Town be played by young adults aged 16 and above only.
When can I get the cards?
Estimated 3-4 working days, depending on the chosen courier service.
For more information about C4 Center, read more about our mission and our team. You can also find out more about all our works by browsing through some of our groundbreaking reports, here.